Running Gray-Scott on Perlmutter/NERSC
This instructions are for the Perlmutter system at NERSC.
We assume the user has access to a trnXXX
valid training account on NERSC with a user name <user>
Configuring Gray-Scott on Perlmutter
Access Perlmutter
$ ssh <user>
Obtain Gray-Scott from GitHub, first access your scrath area and create a user-specific directory, clone the repository pointing at the GrayScott-JACC branch.
cd $SCRATCH mkdir $USER cd $USER git clone --branch GrayScott-JACC
Run the script prepared for this tutorial
to set up modules, environment, and packages. This is a one-time step and might take a few minutes.source GrayScott.jl/scripts/
#!/bin/bash # This script is used to configure the GrayScott.jl project on NERSC's Perlmutter system. # Run it as `source GrayScott.jl/scripts/` to make changes permanent # Using a predefined $SCRATCH/$USER directory as top-level structure # Packages must be installed in the parallel filesystem # and not user's home directory ~/.julia (default) which does not scale export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=$SCRATCH/$USER/.julia GS_DIR=$SCRATCH/$USER/GrayScott.jl # remove existing generated Manifest.toml to make this script reusable rm -f $GS_DIR/Manifest.toml rm -f $GS_DIR/LocalPreferences.toml # good practice to avoid conflicts with existing default modules module purge # load required modules module load PrgEnv-gnu # this is just due to an adios2 requirement, parallel HDF5 can be added in the future module load cray-hdf5-parallel # module load nvhpc not tested, use cudatoolkit instead module load cudatoolkit/12.2 ml use /global/common/software/nersc/julia_hpc_24/modules module load adios2 module load julia/1.10.4 # Required to point at underlying modules above export JULIA_ADIOS2_PATH=/global/common/software/nersc/julia_hpc_24/adios2/gnu # MPIPreferences.jl configures MPI.jl to use the underlying Cray's MPICH # It will populate LocalPreferences.toml with the correct MPI binary and libraries julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("MPIPreferences")' julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using MPIPreferences; MPIPreferences.use_system_binary(mpiexec="srun", vendor="cray")' # Set up CUDA.jl and underlying CUDA runtime # this will polute Project.toml with CUDA.jl julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("CUDA")' # adds an entry to LocalPreferences.toml julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using CUDA; CUDA.set_runtime_version!(v"12.2"; local_toolkit=true)' # Instantiate the project by installing packages in Project.toml julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()' # Verify the packages are installed correctly julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg;' # JACC.jl and GrayScott.jl won't precompile, but other packages will julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.precompile()' # Set jacc-cuda as the backend in LocalPreferences.toml # To change back end to CPU modify LocalPreferences.toml or use these commands julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using GrayScott.GrayScottPreferences; GrayScottPreferences.set_backend("jacc-cuda")'
JULIA_DEPOT_PATH is where Julia packages and artifacts (e.g. extra data) will be installed for different local environments. This is a good practice to avoid conflicts between different environments.
Running Gray-Scott jobs on Perlmutter
Create an area for Gray-Scott runs outside the repository (e.g. run001, future runs will be in run002, run003, etc.)
mkdir run001
Copy the Gray-Scott settings file and the to the run directory
cp GrayScott.jl/examples/settings-files.json run001 cp GrayScott.jl/scripts/ run001
Submit your first job to Perlmutter - it might take a while as in any HPC system. It should generate an adios bp file output, and total runtime should be around 12 seconds using a single MPI process and NVIDIA GPU.
cd run001 sbatch
Check the output files generated by the job
bpls -lav gs-1MPI-1GPU-64L-F32-JACC-CUDA.bp
File info: of variables: 3 of attributes: 13 statistics: Min / Max double Du attr = 0.2 double Dv attr = 0.1 double F attr = 0.02 string Fides_Data_Model attr = "uniform" string Fides_Dimension_Variable attr = "U" double Fides_Origin attr = {0, 0, 0} double Fides_Spacing attr = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1} string Fides_Variable_Associations attr = {"points", "points"} string Fides_Variable_List attr = {"U", "V"} float U 100*{64, 64, 64} = -0.115931 / 1.46275 float V 100*{64, 64, 64} = 0 / 1.04308 double dt attr = 1 double k attr = 0.048 double noise attr = 0.1 int32_t step 100*scalar = 10 / 1000 string vtk.xml attr = <VTKFile type="ImageData" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian"> <ImageData WholeExtent="0 64 0 64 0 64" Origin="0 0 0" Spacing="1 1 1"> <Piece Extent="0 64 0 64 0 64"> <CellData Scalars="U"> <DataArray Name="U" /> <DataArray Name="V" /> <DataArray Name="TIME"> step </DataArray> </CellData> </Piece> </ImageData> </VTKFile>
Future runs: repeats steps 1-3 above , and edit the settings file to set the desired parameters for the Gray-Scott simulation.
is the number of cells on each direction, Lx = Ly = Lz = L, so L^3 is the total number of cells.plotgap
is the number of steps between each visualization output.steps
is the total number of steps to run the simulation.output
is the name of the adios2 output directory dataset (can be visualized with ParaView for small cases)docs.- Other variables might not influence the simulation but can be changed for testing purposes.
{ "L": 64, "Du": 0.2, "Dv": 0.1, "F": 0.02, "k": 0.048, "dt": 1.0, "plotgap": 10, "steps": 1000, "noise": 0.1, "output": "gs-1MPI-1GPU-64L-F32-JACC-CUDA.bp", "checkpoint": false, "checkpoint_freq": 700, "checkpoint_output": "ckpt.bp", "restart": false, "restart_input": "ckpt.bp", "adios_config": "adios2.xml", "adios_span": false, "adios_memory_selection": false, "mesh_type": "image", "precision": "Float32" }
Edit the launch script to request more resources: nodes, gpus, time (follow instructors directions at this point)
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -A ntrain1 #SBATCH -C gpu #SBATCH -q shared #SBATCH -J gs-julia-1MPI-1GPU #SBATCH -o %x-%j.out #SBATCH -e %x-%j.err #SBATCH -t 0:02:00 #SBATCH -n 1 #SBATCH -c 32 #SBATCH --gpus-per-task=1 #export SLURM_CPU_BIND="cores" GS_DIR=$SCRATCH/$USER/GrayScott.jl GS_EXE=$GS_DIR/gray-scott.jl srun -n 1 --gpus=1 julia --project=$GS_DIR $GS_EXE settings-files.json
Visualizing the output on
Access Perlmutter. We will stay in the $HOME directory for this step.
$ ssh <user>
Create a Julia kernel and environment for This is a one-time setup that will install packages in your home directory under
and kernels in.local/share/jupyter/kernels
(might take a while)git clone --branch GrayScott-JACC cd GrayScott.jl/Notebooks/Plot2D.jl source
# source this file to generate a new IJulia kernel for Perlmutter module load julia/1.10.4 module load cray-hdf5-parallel ml use /global/common/software/nersc/julia_hpc_24/modules module load adios2 export JULIA_ADIOS2_PATH=/global/common/software/nersc/julia_hpc_24/adios2/gnu # instantiate project packages julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()' # capture current environment julia --project -e 'using IJulia; installkernel("Julia-16-threads", "--project=@.", env=Dict("LD_LIBRARY_PATH" => string(ENV["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"]), "JULIA_NUM_THREADS" => "16", "JULIA_ADIOS2_PATH" => string(ENV["JULIA_ADIOS2_PATH"]) ))'
cat ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/julia-16-threads-1.10/kernel.json
{ "display_name": "Julia-16-threads 1.10.4", "argv": [ "/global/common/software/nersc/n9/julia/1.10.4/bin/julia", "-i", "--color=yes", "--project=@.", "/global/homes/t/train671/.julia/packages/IJulia/dR0lE/src/kernel.jl", "{connection_file}" ], "language": "julia", "env": { "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "/global/common/software/nersc/julia_hpc_24/adios2/gnu/lib64:/global/common/software/nersc9/darshan/default/lib:/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/23.9/math_libs/12.2/lib64:/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/23.9/cuda/12.2/extras/CUPTI/lib64:/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/23.9/cuda/12.2/extras/Debugger/lib64:/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/23.9/cuda/12.2/nvvm/lib64:/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/Linux_x86_64/23.9/cuda/12.2/lib64:/opt/cray/pe/papi/", "JULIA_ADIOS2_PATH": "/global/common/software/nersc/julia_hpc_24/adios2/gnu", "JULIA_NUM_THREADS": "16" }, "interrupt_mode": "signal" }
Start a jupyter notebook on Perlmutter login into with the same user and password used to access Perlmutter.
Start a “Login Node” runner (might take a while).
Browse into the
notebook and open it. -
Select the Julia-16-threads kernel from the dropdown menu.
Run the Notebook cells (right triangle or Run menu > Run All Cells) and check you can get to the picture shown below. This is your first complete workflow from running a Gray-Scott simulation on Perlmutter high-performance computing system and visualizing the results on!!!!
Gray-Scott U and V output visualization using Makie.jl and ADIOS2.jl