Running Gray-Scott on Odo/Frontier

This instructions are for the Odo training system at OLCF. Which is identical to Frontier.

We assume the user has access to trn023 training account

  1. Access Odo/Frontier

     $ ssh
  2. Obtain Gray-Scott, first access your scrath directory, clone the repository poiting at the GrayScott-JACC branch. Replace wgodoy with your username.

     cd /gpfs/wolf2/olcf/trn023/scratch/wgodoy
     mkdir tutorial
     cd tutorial
     git clone
     git checkout -b GrayScott-JACC origin/GrayScott-JACC
  3. Install package dependencies in Julia REPL

  • Script prepared for this tutorial GrayScott.jl/scripts/ Run it with source

     # Change the first 3 lines appropriately
     export JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=$PROJ_DIR/.julia
     # remove existing generated Manifest.toml
     rm -f $GS_DIR/Manifest.toml
     rm -f $GS_DIR/LocalPreferences.toml
     # good practice to avoid conflicts with existing default modules
     module purge
     # load required modules
     module load PrgEnv-gnu-amd/8.4.0
     module load cray-mpich
     module load adios2/2.9.2
     module load julia/1.10.4
     # point at current Julia installation until module is available on Odo
     # export PATH=/gpfs/wolf2/olcf/trn023/world-shared/opt/julia-1.10.3/bin:$PATH
     # Required to point at underlying modules above
     # MPIPreferences to use Cray's MPICH
     julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("MPIPreferences")'
     julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using MPIPreferences; MPIPreferences.use_system_binary(mpiexec="srun", vendor="cray")'
     # Set up underlying rocm
     # this will polute Project.toml with AMDGPU.jl
     julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("AMDGPU")'
     export ROCM_PATH=/opt/rocm-5.3.0
     # adds an entry to LocalPreferences.toml
     julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using AMDGPU; AMDGPU.ROCmDiscovery.use_artifacts!(false)'
     # Instantiate the project by installing packages in Project.toml
     julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
     # Verify the packages are installed correctly
     julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg;'
     # JACC.jl and GrayScott.jl won't precompile, but other packages will
     julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.precompile()'
     # Set jacc-amdgpu as the backend in LocalPreferences.toml
     julia --project=$GS_DIR -e 'using GrayScott.GrayScottPreferences; GrayScottPreferences.set_backend("jacc-amdgpu")'

JULIA_DEPOT is where Julia packages and artifacts (e.g. extra data) will be installed for different local environments. Project/system admins should prefer a global installation of commonly used packages: MPI.jl, CUDA.jl, Plots.jl, etc. due to their size to avoid multiple copies.

  1. Verify Julia v1.10.4

     julia --version
  2. Run Gray-Scott submitting a job